What Payment Methods Are Accepted?
We are accepting several methods for payment such as bkash, dutchbangla, debit card, Telegraphic transfer, international cheque and paypal methods and also you can give us handcash after serving the product.
Can I give money after serving the product?
Yes, you can give your money after serving the product.Whenever you receive the product you just need to give a sign and give your money.Sometimes customers have no money at that moment in that case they want to give after serving the product.
How Do I Track My Order?
You can track your order by email, sms or phone by using tracking number. whenever you want to know you just need to send a message and they will send you a message which time you get your order.
How Can | Return a Product?
You just need to send a message using a tracking number with your address.And they will come to you to take your product and return the money.You can only return the product if something wrong happens otherwise not.
What Shipping Methods Are Available?
At present Cycling, Pathao, Uber And Courier shipping methods are available to serve the order you give in our company at your place wherever you want and it’s our pleasure because we can give you these services.
How can I buy meat ?
You have to go to our website. There you can see various types of meat(BBQ, Steak, Normal) in front of you.Then you just need to select one of them which one you like. You can add it to our cart or you can go pay options after that.
Can I visit your place(shop)?
With great pleasure we say that you can visit our place any time you want.If you come to our place you can see how we fed our animals and how we serve our product in our customers and which environment.
Is there any other way I can buy meat to you?
You can buy meat without using our website.You just have to come to our shop at our place where we sell our different types of fresh meat. You have to come at 10 Am to 5 PM otherwise we are not available.
Services for You
About Our Firm’s
Last 30 years we provided services with trust and honesty. We give our customers fresh and organic meat.We have experts who verify everything so that customers can not face any difficulties.
- Expert Customer
- Free Shipping
- Free Return
- Amazing Deals